Summary press conference Saturday December 18: All shops, schools and entertainment locations closed


Deel bericht:

The government announced on Saturday evening, December 18, that all sectors will be closed due to the emergence of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus. Only shops such as supermarkets, drugstores, and pharmacies are allowed to keep their doors open between 5 a.m. and 8 p.m. The new measures apply until 14 January.

The new variant of the coronavirus is much more contagious than the other variants. Vaccinations that have been administered without the booster shot offer too little protection, which means that if you do become infected, you can still become quite ill with hospitalization as a result.

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By closing the non-essential sectors, the government wants to give everyone the opportunity to be vaccinated. The non-essential sectors include shops, gyms, restaurants and, for example, theaters and cinemas. The transfer locations such as amusement parks are also forced to close their doors again.

The cabinet has decided not to use the curfew. The use of this measure has too great consequences and takes a lot of time to legally organize.

Received four people over the holidays
If you want to get together for Christmas, it is advised to do this with a maximum of four guests. Everyone is then asked to do a self-test, this way you prevent contamination of your loved ones.

If you want to exercise together outside, for example, you should take into account that the group size will be reduced to two people outside the holidays. This means that you can get a ticket for gathering if you are seen outside with more than two people.

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Jeffrey Jacobs
Jeffrey Jacobs
Eigenaar/Oprichter Nieuws op Beeld


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